


提問者:網(wǎng)友 2017-11-11
I have tried 3 different drives over the last 3 months to back-up my original Audi 2007 map disk of Western Europe (UK/France/etc.) and have generated 12 lovely pristine coasters!But today I have eventually succeeded with the help of the various posts in this thread and those in club.cdfreaks.com - so I thought I would at least document my working procedure just in case anybody else out there is still pulling out their hair on this matter.DVD media used:1. Verbatim DVD+R DL (2.4x) 8.5GB - Media type: Mitsubishi Kagaku MKM 0012. Maplin sourced - Printable - Intenso DVD+R DL (8x) 8.5GB - Media type: RICOH JPN-D01-67All drives used are "E-IDE" types in a DELL Dimension 8100 (P4/1.8GHz - Yes its old!!)....Failed Drive #1 - LG GSA-4160B (does not allow Bit Setting - Fails with either media!!)Failed Drive #2 - LG GSA 4167B (allows Bit Setting to DVD-ROM - Fails with either media!!)Failed Drive #3 - LG GSA GSA-H54N (allows Bit Setting to DVD-ROM - Fails with either media!!)**** Drive #4 - Pioneer DVR-115D - **SUCCESS** see below.........Previously have mds/iso image as generated by MagicISO from my original Audi DVD of Western Europe (UK/France/etc. disk)Pioneer DVR-115D....1. Purchased new drive off Fleabay ~£232. Installed drive in PC3. Current Firmware indicated as 1.13 (23/10/2007)4. Downloaded latest firmware from Pioneer website (Japan)5. Flashed new firmware to 1.18 (11/01/200 / Reboot PC6. Realised I needed modified v1.18 with Bitsetting change in firmware7. Downloaded A0814000.113 (Kernel) & A0814001.118 (Modified RPC1 Firmware)The above firmware is indicated as RPC1 and has inherent Bitsetting forced to DVD-R8. Downloaded DVRFlash v2.69. Flashed above Kernel & Firmware.... "DVRflash - f F: A0814000.113 A0814001.118"10. Reboot PC11. Used imgburn (v2.4.1.0) to burn the mds/iso image to Verbatim media at 2.4x with Verify12. Audi A4 RNS-E recognises the disk as a Navigation Disk - SUCCESS!!!!13. Used imgburn (v2.4.1.0) to burn the mds/iso image to "intenso" media at 2.4x with Verify14. Audi A4 RNS-E recognises the disk as a Navigation Disk - SUCCESS!!!!No bitsetting is required prior to writing to the DVD+R DL media since it is forced to DVD-ROM state in the "modified" firmware.


